CA Course

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As the economy is growing rapidly career options in finance and accounts are also growing in demand. The most dominating field in this sector is the profession of a chartered accountant (CA).

Not only job consistency, but a career as CA can also make you live with a generous salary and opens up a world of opportunities.

CBM in collaboration with CIPL brings you a professional CA Course in Nepal.

Program Structure

Required General Education Courses : 0 hr

Co-ordinator's Message

College of Business Management provides CA course in Nepal under the guidance and mentorship of a dynamic team involving qualified Chartered Accountants providing you with the most practical and case study-based teaching. We focus on building the foundation of a professional career with quality and contemporary education to CA students We are the prominent educational destination to pave a productive path for future aspirants.

Faculty Member


1. Under ICAN:

  •  CAP-I/ Foundation :

10+2 pass or result awaiting students in any discipline.

  • CAP-II/ Intermediate :

CA Foundation pass or commerce graduates having not less than 50% marks or non-commerce graduates having not less than 60% marks.

  •    Final :

CA Intermediate pass and registered as an Articled trainee under a practicing Chartered Accountant by signing an Articleship Deed.

2. Under ICAI 

  • Foundation: 10+2 pass or result awaiting students in any discipline.
  • Intermediate:   Foundation Pass
  • Final:            Intermediate Pass

Is a provisional registration facility available for the +2 exam appeared but the result waiting for students?

->Yes, the students waiting for results can join Chartered Accountancy. They can get provisional registration and have to forward the proof of passing +2 to the Board (ICAN or ICAl) within the predetermined period.


What are the dates of registration for the Chartered Accountancy Course?

->Registration is open throughout the year to eligible students. However, the examinations are held in June and December under ICAN and May & November for Foundation, Intermediate & Final level under ICAl.


How long the registration remains valid?

->Under ICAN Registration remains valid up to 5 years from the date of registration in Foundation and Intermediate level. There is no time deadline to complete the Final level.

Under ICAl Foundation registration remains valid for 3 years. Students can do revalidation before the expiry of initial registration or further 3 years (up to any number of times) by paying only IRS 400. Intermediate registration remains valid for 4 years.

Students can do revalidation every four years before the expiry of the registration by paying IRS. 400. There is no time deadline to complete the Final level.