Offices & Services

Office of the Principal

–    Overall College Administration

–    Leading Admission and Examination

–    Representing College to Public

Office of Director of Student Affairs

–    Managing student affairs within and outside the college

–    Managing extra-curricular activities

–    Feedback System

–    Discipline and Code of Conduct

Office of Director of Academics

–    Designing a research-based curriculum for every academic program

–    Managing Co-curricular Activities

–    Leading Academic Research Wing

–    Coordinating classes and faculties for running effective classes and deliveries of practical and behavioral learning


Office of Director of Finance

–    Budgeting

–    Collection and Recovery of Fees and Penalties

–    Procurements

Office of Marketing Director/Development

–    Outside Affairs

–    Relationship with other Schools, Colleges & Institutes

–    Social Media

–    First Point to connect to College

Choose Your Programs

  1. Bachelor of Business Management
  2. Bachelor of Business Studies
  3. Masters of Business Studies
  4. +2 Management
  5. CA Course
  6. BBS+
  7. +2 Science

Need help choosing a program?

Talk to us about which program best suits your professional goals.

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